andi and grim

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Jaws3Jul 25, 2008

That would be funny. I'm always doing stupid things. ALWAYS!\:D I remember at school last year, we were playing stuck in the mud. I tripped over my friend's foot and landed in a patch of mud. It was hilarious! Except I was covered in mud for the rest of the day. Mum was so pissed coz our uniform in white!\:D

Jaws3Jul 24, 2008

That is scary!\:D I hate it when you trip over yourself in the middle of a crowd and you land flat on your face. That's always funny, if you're the one watching. \:\) . I remember one time, I slipped down the stairs at school and rode half way down them on my butt. It really hurt, but I killed my self laughing!\:D

briachantJul 23, 2008


Jaws3Jul 23, 2008

Yeah, I tripped over a tree root the other day in P.E. Didn't think anything of it at the time, but when I got home I noticed a massive bruise half way up my big toe. Turned out that I had jarred my big toe. It hurt, but not as much as my ankle. I strained it when I tripped. It got better in a few days though, coz I kept off it as much as I could.\:D It's quite funny though, because earlier that day I had a theory that trees were aliens form outa space, that's why they're green, and they were spying on us. So my friends (or the closest thing I have to them) joked that they were getting revenge. \:\) So now days, I don't mess with trees anymore!

KionaPlayJul 23, 2008

Hey, there! Thanks for the great comment on my screenie! Have a great day!\:D

Jaws3Jul 22, 2008

Yeah, \:\( I can see how that would be the case... Say, let's talk about something more...pleasant. All this talk about fighting makes my bruises ache. I've always got bruises. Just not really from fighting (with the exception of melanie of course). I'm a VERY clumsy person. We're supposed to be doing gymnastics in p.e at school, and although I don't really want to do it anyway, my mum won't let me. She reckons I'll break my neck, and I can't blame her for thinking that!\:D

briachantJul 22, 2008

Lol \:D

briachantJul 21, 2008

Ah! Good, if somewhat crazy method. \:D

Jaws3Jul 21, 2008

ha ha! That's funny! The last part, I mean... I don't think I've ever been in a really physical fight (except with my sister) coz people always lose verbal fights with me and they slink away wit their tails between their legs before any punches are thrown. I'm on the school debating team and as my English teacher said: "I have a way with words".\:D

Jaws3Jul 21, 2008

Yeah! Me too!\:mad\: .But it's so nice to talk to someone who knows how it feels, you know, being betrayed by people who were once your friends, that kind of thing. \:D . No-one here knows how it feels to be on the receiving end of it... So now days, I give them back a taste of their own medicine. Like the other day, he he he. Don't worry. I didn't do anything evil, I just dished it back! \:D . It doesn't stop though, so don't worry if it happens again. Although, it might be just us Australians. We're pretty hard headed, you know. We like a good fight! As long as it's fair, and not one against everyone else. I don't like that, unless it's someone who really deserves it!\:\)

briachantJul 20, 2008

LOL Dads are gruffer. \:P

Jaws3Jul 20, 2008

That sucks!!!\:\( Well, I had problems with my teacher. She really hated me. She'd bring down my grades and the grades of everyone who sat with me at lunch. The principal turned a blind eye coz he thought she was so wonderful. She really hated me. All the other teachers thought I was great. They nominated me for school captain and I even got a high distinction in a nation wide english comp, one of the highest scores that a student of that school had ever achieved, so I was in their good books... But Steph (the mean girl) took advantage of the fact that this teacher really hated me. That's when the trouble really started. \:\) But it was my last year there, so my mum said I couldn't move schools again (I'd had to move once before). Anyways, it's all over now. Except that it's starting again. Girls really can be mean!\:mad\:

briachantJul 19, 2008


hiedibear75Jul 19, 2008

OK......that's're more hug-able.\:P \;\) \:wub\:

Jaws3Jul 19, 2008

Oh. Ouch. well, that actually happened to me in primary school. I'm still in high school. I have 4 years left\:\( . And it's started all over again. I wouldn't worry about it, girls can be so mean. Any way, what's your story?

Jaws3Jul 18, 2008

I know, I've done it before. This girl was real mean to me one year coz I didn't want to be her best friend any more(she wasn't a nice person), then I went back to school and felt sorry for her because a) she had no friends and b) she had an arm cast from her shoulder to her wrist coz she broke her elbow rollerskating... and so I was best friends for the second time around, and lets just say that if it hadn't been my last year, i would have had to move schools again... Oh well. I learned a lesson... And my dad always says it's what happens to a person that makes them who they are, so i guess we can count our lucky stars that we know not to let it happen again... what do you reckon?\:\)

hiedibear75Jul 18, 2008

Thanks you're a doll.\:wub\:

briachantJul 17, 2008

No - I meant if you were annoying him, that's probably why he yelled, and you knew it, so that's okay (meaning that you didn't think he yelled at you because he hates you - just that fathers are grumpy \;\) ). All dads are grumpy in my experience. That's how you tell the difference between dads and mums. \:P

hiedibear75Jul 15, 2008

Hiya. \:cool\: I was just letting ya know I found someone else who's about your age and I thought maybe she'd\you'd like having some more simers about the same age. A real nice member name horsearoo006 (she's 13 from'll find some entries on my GB just a couple pages in \;\) ). Well hope you have a great week and enjoy the rest of your Summer vacation.\:wub\:

briachantJul 15, 2008

Well that's alright then. \:D Hope the tea helps. \:\)

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